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12月, 2023の投稿を表示しています

SOL#12 Merry Christmas!

 Hi, Thank you for coming my blog!   Last Monday was Christmas! What did you do on the day? I enjoyed doing a Christmas party with my friends. In this blog, I will talk about the party.   We prepared a lot of food. For example, McDonald's, Mister Donut, Starbucks, etc. We bought chicken nuggets because it's the Christmas party! Also, we made we made Santa Clauses from strawberrys and fresh cream. We cut strawberries and squeezed fresh cream to make Santa Claus' face. We also made the eyes and nose for Santa Claus' face. It was so cute!! Santa Claus🎅  In addition, we made Christmas trees from potato salad and broccolis. We made a shape of the mountain from potato salad. Then, put broccolis on the mountain. It looked like a real Christmas tree!  After we finished eating, we exchanged gifts and played games! I chose a nail polish for my friend and received room socks from other friend. The fun time flew by and before I knew it, it was time for the last train! It was the b

SOL#11 A week of surprises

 Hi, thank you for coming my blog! There were two surprises this week so I would like to talk about this.  First, my friends came to the shop where I work a part-time. We've been friends since a junior high school. I didn't know they were coming so I was very surprised! Also, I was glad to see them because we had not seen each other since the summer vacation. The work of the part time was hard for me but, I could do my best because of them!   Second, I saw snow for the first time this year! The day's classes were canceld because it snowed a lot. It was too cold to go outside so I decided to stay home all the day. This picture is the garden of my house. I hate shoveling snow, so when I saw this view I despaired. I hope it doesn't snow too much!  Do you like snow? Please tell me at the comment!  Thank you for reading❄️

SOL#10 Year-end party

 Thank you for coming my blog!  I joined two year-end parties. The year-end party is called "bonenkai" in Japanese. Last Saturday, I joined it with ballet friends. This year-end party was attended by people of all ages, from university students to working adults. We went to a pizza shop near Niigata station. We ordered a course meal and shared it with everyone. I had pizza, pasta, ajillo and many other dishes and they were all delicious! My favorite was the creme brulee for dessert. I had never had it before. The texture was like a pudding and very tasty! Also, the serving was beautiful and made me happy! On our way back from the shop, we went to Bandai to see the illumination. One of the members who attended the year-end party was a member who organized this illumination, so we all went to see it! Like last year, there was a large Christmas tree and a Christmas market, but this year there were colorful reindeer. It was so bright and beautiful!  It was the first time since th

Christmas Disney

 Thank you for coming my blog!  Last weekend, I went to Tokyo to meet my friend. I hadn't seen her since this summer vacation so I was very happy. We went to Tokyo Disney Sea on Saturday. There were a lot of people because it hold christmas event.  Christmas decorations were everywhere in the park. They were so cute!! However, we arrived at the park too late to get passes to ride the attractions without waiting in line so we gave up on riding the attractions and went to buy souvenirs for our friends and our family. We bought same cap. It was designed with a squirrel character named Dale, and it was cute and warm! We wore it and went to the park. We ate a lot of food. My favorite food is chocolate flavored churro. It was very tasty! After eating the churro,  we stood in line for 3 hours to ride the attraction. The attraction called "soarin." Riding the attraction will make you feel as if you are flying through the air and traveling around the world. We were very impressed